Supply Chain Shaman

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Author: Lora Cecere


Redefining Your Relationship with Data

The journey to becoming data-driven requires owning the cycle of ingestion, storage, and usage. The adoption of new technologies makes this easier and drives process flexibility in schema and the preservation of semantics.

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Market-driven value networks

Navigating the Journey from Cost to Value

Today’s supply chains focus on cost reduction with the assumption that the reduction in cost will translate to margin. This is not the case.

The lack of organizational degrades value.

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Digital Supply Chain

Rise. Or Rise-up?

The sharing of concerns by the business leader on the evolution of SAP HANA to SAP RISE as heard at the Consumer Goods Forum. Here I share the concern, some options, and some background.

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A Treatise on Dogs That Do Not Hunt

Do these dogs hunt is a blog challenging the validity of the concepts of autonomous planning, probabilistic planning and the use of artificial planning in planning systems.

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Mea Culpa

Reflection and restatement of formerly held beliefs of supply chain management by Lora Cecere.

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demand driven

Navigating Demand Streams

Traditional supply chain planning approaches push all products through a common engine to produce time-phased output. The demand stream is analyzed for error and bias, but in traditional processes, companies do not see the patterns. Pattern identification is key to drive successful supply strategies. This is a missed opportunity in traditional approaches.

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